<div style=”transition: none 0s ease 0s; display: block;” data-rss-type=”text”> n n As an entrepreneur and pitch master, every deal I close or partnership I solidify starts with my voice. Yes, you heard that right! Your voice has the power to move you forward or hold you back. This also applies to the voices you listen to. You want to make sure that the people in your life are in your corner and supporting you in your journey toward success.n n <div> n <br/> n </div> n <div> n n Here are some questions to ask yourself as you determine which voices you should listen to:n n </div> n <div> n <br/> n </div> n <div> n <span style=”font-weight: 700;”> n <font style=”color: rgb(241, 29, 152);”> n n 1. Who is always in your corner when you need it?n n </font> n </span> n n Pay attention to the people in your life that are supportive no matter what you have going on. You need positivity in your life to encourage you to keep going. When you pay attention to these voices, it doesn’t matter what other people are telling you.n n </div> n <div> n <br/> n </div> n <div> n <span style=”font-weight: 700;”> n <font style=”color: rgb(241, 29, 152);”> n n 2. What is influencing you?n n </font> n </span> n n There are so many external voices out there that we tune into – whether it’s podcasts, books, movies, the news, and even who you follow on social media. Any of these can inspire you to keep going or discourage you from even trying. So read books that teach you skills to build your confidence, listen to podcasts that encourage you to stay persistent, and spend less time on the news or watching big Hollywood movies that distort your view of what’s possible. Keep positive, encouraging voices coming in and you will be amazed at what that does for you.n n </div> n <div> n <br/> n </div> n <div> n <span style=”font-weight: 700;”> n <font style=”color: rgb(241, 29, 152);”> n n 3. Do you believe in yourself?n n </font> n </span> n n Now, this is the most important question to ask. If you truly believe in yourself and know that you can do anything you set your mind to, you will be unstoppable. This takes some to develop, so start now! Realize that you are strong, capable, and a true badass. Follow through when you say you’ll do something. Taking these steps today will give you the confidence to believe in yourself so it doesn’t matter what voices surround you anymore.n n </div> n <div> n <br/> n </div> n <div> n n There you have it. Pay close attention to the voices you are listening to and stay surrounded by positive influences. Your future badass self will thank you.n n </div> n</div>