<div style=”transition: opacity 1s ease-in-out 0s;” data-rss-type=”text”> n <div style=”text-align: left;”> n n A pitch deck is a presentation deck that is used to pitch your idea or company to any number of audiences, generally investors. It is a brief presentation, utilizing slides, powerpoint, or Prezi etc… to provide your audience with a quick overview of your business plan.n n </div> n <div style=”text-align: left;”> n <br/> n </div> n <div style=”text-align: left;”> n n You should strive to find a perfect balance between aesthetics and functionality to ensure that your presentation is easy on the eye but full of beneficial information.n n </div> n <div style=”text-align: left;”> n <br/> n </div> n <div style=”text-align: left;”> n n Your pitch deck is arguably the single, most important and valuable document that you will generate in the life of your company. It is the opening volley that you will have with your potential investors. It is “the hook” by which you can capture the attention and imagination of a potential investor.n n </div> n</div> n<h3 style=”transition: opacity 1s ease-in-out 0s;”> n n Types Of Pitch Decksn n</h3> n<div style=”transition: opacity 1s ease-in-out 0s;” data-rss-type=”text”> n <ol> n <li> n <b> n n In-Person Pitch Deckn n </b> n n . This is your main pitch deck and is intended to be narrated live. The in-person pitch deck is shorter than the standalone version and should include very visual, concise slides that supplement the verbal story you are telling your audience.n n </li> n <li> n <b> n n Standalone Pitch Deckn n </b> n n . The second version of your deck is significantly longer. The standalone pitch deck should include all of your key talking points and tells your company’s story without any narration. This is the deck left behind after a meeting or sent directly to an investor before an in-person meeting.n n </li> n </ol> n</div> n<h3 style=”transition: opacity 1s ease-in-out 0s;”> n n 6 Tips For A Memorable Pitch Deckn n</h3> n<div style=”transition: opacity 1s ease-in-out 0s;” data-rss-type=”text”> n <ol> n <li> n <b> n n Keep your pitch deck freshn n </b> n n . A pitch deck should be viewed as a dynamic document that evolves over time. As you continue to pitch multiple audiences, you will find that often, the same questions are asked time and time again. Learn to take note of these questions, incorporating and addressing them in the presentation. Always keep your data updated, as you want to minimize the opportunities to call into question your knowledge or credibility.n n </li> n <li> n <b> n n Know and engage your audience.n n </b> n n The most important part of any pitch deck is selling your vision to your audience. You need to hook your audience from the beginning and keep them highly engaged throughout your pitch. Knowing your audience is a crucial factor and should be given the highest consideration. Having a thorough understanding of your target audience will ensure that your pitch deck is delivered in the correct manner and style and that your message is portrayed successfully.n n </li> n <li> n <b> n n Use great visualsn n </b> n n . Great imagery helps your audience understand, retain your message and also keeps them engaged. Do not use text-heavy slides, this can cause your audience to quickly lose interest. Plus, polished slides with powerful imagery will look extremely professional and lend credibility to your ideas. Don’t use visuals with a small font or read from them precisely as if it were a script.n n </li> n <li> n <b> n n Explain why your solution is uniquen n </b> n n . Delve into who your competition is, and how and why you’re better. Explain and demonstrate why you’re winning business away from these competitors and how you will continue to do so even when your competitors try to challenge you.n n </li> n <li> n <b> n n Anticipate questionsn n </b> n n . Any serious client or partner will certainly have questions. Recognize and know what they will be and your response before you even begin your presentation. If you’ve done proper research, you should be able to anticipate where questions or confusion may occur and plan for the best possible ways to bring closure to them.n n </li> n <li> n <b> n n Close with impactn n </b> n n . Leaving your audience with a weak conclusion or ending is a huge no-no. It will likely be what they remember about your presentation as a whole. They will forget how good your introduction was, or how awesome your presentation slides were. Your closure needs to be strong and precise. You shouldn’t end a presentation with a slide that asks any further questions. Instead close with a brief story, a quote or a call to action.n n </li> n </ol> n</div> n<h2 style=”transition: opacity 1s ease-in-out 0s;”> n n The Takeawayn n</h2> n<div style=”transition: opacity 1s ease-in-out 0s;” data-rss-type=”text”> n n Your pitch deck is one of the most important sales tools in your arsenal. It isn’t just your means of getting investors to back you, but also tells the actual story of your business.n n <div> n <br/> n </div> n <div> n n One size does not fit all when it comes to a pitch deck. Pitch decks should always be refined and tweaked to be optimized for the immediate audience to whom the deck is being presented.n n </div> n</div>