<div style=”transition: none 0s ease 0s; display: block;” data-rss-type=”text”> n n Excuses are everywhere. Any adversity that comes our way is held in front of us like a shield instead of behind us like a driving force to reach our goals. We always have two choices – to make excuses or to make motivators whenever situations come our way. Ladies and gentlemen, it’s time to take a stand for your future and run full speed ahead toward our goals and dreams.n n <div> n <br/> n </div> n <div> n n I’ve got a few tricks up my sleeve to help you take your circumstances and use them to move forward this year. Check them out!n n </div> n <div> n <br/> n </div> n <div> n <span style=”font-weight: 700;”> n <font style=”color: rgb(241, 29, 152);”> n n 1. Determine what you really want.n n </font> n </span> n n Get clear about your goals and why you want to accomplish them. You need a solid understanding of where you are headed before you can even begin to think about what it will take to get you there. And when that’s understood, nothing will stand in your way.n n </div> n <div> n <br/> n </div> n <div> n <span style=”font-weight: 700;”> n <font style=”color: rgb(241, 29, 152);”> n n 2. Set dates for your goals.n n </font> n </span> n n The best way to ensure you’re taking every chance you get to move forward is by having a timeline. Knowing you need to reach your goals by a certain date keeps you organized and creates urgency. Plus, why would you ever want to let yourself down? You’re a rockstar – remind yourself that!n n </div> n <div> n <br/> n </div> n <div> n <span style=”font-weight: 700;”> n <font style=”color: rgb(241, 29, 152);”> n n 3. Plan ahead.n n </font> n </span> n n Now that you’ve got your goals established and a date is set for each one, it’s time to start planning. Spend time writing out the steps it will take to accomplish these goals. Plan for the best-case scenario and create some plans for any roadblocks or curve balls that may come your way. Don’t dwell on these, but make sure you’re ready to tackle anything so you can ensure nothing stands in the way of you reaching your goals.n n </div> n <div> n <br/> n </div> n <div> n n Now that you’ve got everything you need, go accomplish your goals, set the destination, take a stand for where you are headed, and start running! See you on the other side.n n </div> n</div>