<div style=”transition: opacity 1s ease-in-out 0s;” data-rss-type=”text”> n <div style=”text-align: left;”> n n Body language is comprised of our gestures, stance, and facial expressions. These are even more important when the eyes of an audience are upon you.n n </div> n <div style=”text-align: left;”> n <br/> n </div> n <div style=”text-align: left;”> n n When you are presenting, strong, positive body language becomes an essential tool in helping you build credibility, express your emotions, and connect with your listeners. It also helps your listeners focus more intently on you and what you’re saying.n n </div> n <div style=”text-align: left;”> n <br/> n </div> n <div style=”text-align: left;”> n n Effective body language supports your message and projects a strong image of you as the presenter. Presenters who care genuinely about their material tend to use their entire bodies to support the message, and their gestures are large enough to embrace the room full of people.n n </div> n</div> n<h3 style=”transition: opacity 1s ease-in-out 0s;”> n n 3 Important Body Language Tips When Giving Presentationsn n</h3> n<div style=”transition: opacity 1s ease-in-out 0s;” data-rss-type=”text”> n <ol> n <li> n <b> n n Facial Expressionsn n </b> n n . The human face is vital to good communication. Audience members depend upon your facial expressions to reinforce meaning. So you should definitely be using your face to discover how to be a more expressive speaker. The movements of your eyes, mouth, and facial muscles can help build a connection with your audience. Alternatively, they can also undermine your every word. Eye focus is the most important element in this process. No part of your facial expression is more important in communicating sincerity and credibility. Whether in a small gathering or a large group, nothing else so directly connects you to your listeners. Smiling is also one of our greatest weapons and will help make your audience more comfortable.n n </li> n <li> n <b> n n Stancen n </b> n n . How you stand in front of the room speaks volumes before you even open your mouth. Your stance can tell the audience that you’re happy, scared, confident, or uncomfortable. It’s a message that your audience reads without even thinking about it. A balanced stance with weight even but slightly forward tends to suggest that the speaker is engaged with the audience, while a slumped stance leaning to one side can suggest that the speaker doesn’t care. To boost your confidence during your presentation, open your chest, shoulders and stand straight with arms relaxed. This will help you breath better and feel more relaxed.n n </li> n <li> n <b> n n Gesturesn n </b> n n . Absolutely use your hands. They don’t belong on your hips or in your pockets or folded across your chest either or held behind your back. Use them to help emphasize the point, to express emotion, to release tension, and to engage your audience. Crossing our arms is always a body language no-no. The crossed arms gesture is considered a closed posture that communicates defensiveness. To be more open, literally, open your arms wide when you need to make a big point or your presentation. Use open gestures to communicate your warmth to your audience. If you communicate warmth, and the audience senses your trustworthiness as well as your friendliness, you will be on the path to a successful presentation.n n </li> n </ol> n</div> n<h2 style=”transition: opacity 1s ease-in-out 0s;”> n n The Takeawayn n</h2> n<div style=”transition: opacity 1s ease-in-out 0s;” data-rss-type=”text”> n n While we all want to believe that it’s enough to be natural while giving a presentation, there is nothing natural about standing up alone in front of a group of people. It’s an odd and unusual thing that creates stress, tension, and stomach troubles for many people.n n <div> n <br/> n </div> n <div> n n Correct body language takes a lot of effort, energy, practice, and skill and much is depending on the communication from your body language so it is worth getting it right. Practicing your gestures, stance, and facial expressions will have a great payoff in the end and will help make the most of every speaking opportunity.n n </div> n</div>