<div style=”transition: none 0s ease 0s; display: block;” data-rss-type=”text”> n n Whether you’re an entrepreneur, an author, or even just an employee in the workforce, odds are you’ve dealt with anxiety in some capacity. Stress is a part of any job, but it’s important to develop helpful coping skills in order to better manage your day-to-day responsibilities. n n <div> n <br/> n </div> n <div> n n Here are some tips for managing your own anxiety:n n </div> n <div> n <br/> n </div> n <div> n <b> n <font style=”color: rgb(255, 58, 173);”> n n Breathen n </font> n </b> n </div> n <div> n n This may seem like a simple solution but it’s actually very effective. Taking long deep breaths can help slow your heart rate and ease your mind. Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth. Be sure to carve out some time in your day to just sit and breathe. Allowing yourself breaks like these can make all the difference.n n </div> n <div> n <br/> n </div> n <div> n <font style=”color: rgb(255, 42, 173);”> n <b> n n Occupy Yourselfn n </b> n </font> n </div> n <div> n n Call a friend, watch a movie, read a book; anything you can to occupy your mind with other things. Oftentimes, the root of anxiety is fixation. We find ourselves dwelling on one single thing to the point of falling down an endless rabbit hole. Finding other activities or hobbies to keep yourself busy can assist with your process. n n </div> n <div> n <br/> n </div> n <div> n <font style=”color: rgb(255, 42, 173);”> n <b> n n Stay Hydrated and Well Fedn n </b> n </font> n </div> n <div> n n Be sure to drink plenty of water and have some food in your stomach! Being hydrated is essential to several bodily functions, not just brain functions. Keeping your body healthy overall can only benefit you, especially when dealing with feelings of anxiety. n n </div> n <div> n <br/> n </div> n <div> n <font style=”color: rgb(255, 42, 173);”> n <b> n n Surround Yourself with Positivityn n </b> n </font> n </div> n <div> n n Whether it’s family, friends, coworkers, or even just an environment you enjoy, surrounding yourself with positivity is a healthy and effective way to relieve stress. A positive atmosphere is a safe atmosphere. n n </div> n <div> n <br/> n </div> n <div> n <b> n <font style=”color: rgb(255, 58, 173);”> n n Do Your Bestn n </font> n </b> n </div> n <div> n n All you can do is try your hardest. Don’t expect perfection, and be proud of how far you get! Anxiety is NOT EASY to overcome by any means, so just find what works best for you. In the end, the goal is to calm your mind enough to make it easier to manage. You got this!n n </div> n <div> n <br/> n </div> n <div> n n Want to learn more? Check outn n <a href=”httpss://www.perfectpitchesbyprecious.com/store/” target=”_blank”> n n my servicesn n </a> n n and let’s go!n n </div> n</div>